
Posts Tagged ‘steve biko’

JustRealeyez friend and supporter Solomon Comissiong drops some knowledge on everything from Hip Hop to education to the election..

By: Solomon Comissiong


I have always professed to people who I encounter throughout the country that Hip Hop has been a way of life to me dating back to my inception in this land called America. Yes, it was Hip Hop that filled in the extremely large crevices of information that I should have gotten within the conventional classrooms of every American school I attended. Yes, Hip Hop helped develop a stronger sense of Black Pride within me and the rest of the “Golden Era” generation of hip hoppers. Yes, Hip Hop taught me what it truly means to be a community advocate and activist. Truth be told, Hip Hop Culture was all those things to me growing up…and still is. However, the more I am exposed to various pockets of people, the more I appreciate one of the most underrated things that Hip Hop cultivated inside of me, and that is Critical Thought. (more…)

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